Monday, February 24, 2025
Some Finishes.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Monday, February 03, 2025
A Very Warm Busy Harvest Time.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Good Read.
I have just finished this book. I really enjoyed it . Fiona writes a great tale. Hard to put down. I have read about 8 others by her and this would rate with the best.
Home grown sweetcorn is a favourite of ours. I microwave the cob with some of the green outer still on, for 2 minutes 10 seconds. . Cool for a couple of minutes, peel and slather with butter and lemon pepper.Sunday, January 05, 2025
Less Not More.
5 days into a new year already and not a great deal to show for it.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Busy Time of Year.
Yesterday was our 57th Wedding Anniversary. It is a busy time of year and it's all to easy to just overlook the date, so we went out to lunch.
Realizing traffic into the city would be so, so busy we went the opposite way. We went to Omokoroa and had lunch upstairs at Alma.
Friday, December 20, 2024
Things are Looking a Bit Different.
Things are looking a bit different because on Monday morning this week ( 18th ) I had cataract surgery on both eyes. The right one first and the second one 5 minutes later. The actual procedure under the microscope was surprisingly quick. No pain or discomfort just strange noises and bright lights. Such a nice surgeon and nurses.
The drive home( as a passenger ) was rather scary as it was pouring with rain and the traffic was heavy. At that stage I was seeing double and there seemed to be cars and lights everywhere. I was glad when we got home as I was feeling nauseous. As soon as I got out of the car I was fine.
I have recovered very quickly and am remembering to put my drops in 3 times a day. I can see very clearly mid and long distance but am wearing hobby glasses to read, text and use the computer. Not sure if this will change. I may still require reading glasses. Driving should be so much easier. I can see clearly across the estuary and use binoculars again. Looking in the mirror is a bit of a shock - all those wrinkles!
What am I finding difficult. Not gardening! Feeling naked without glasses. ( wearing provided sunglasses outside or in bright light )